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November 01, 2006



I just would like to thank you for your honesty, it is really refreshing and I am always looking forward to read your blog. Thanks for sharing this. It helps me looking at some of my ghosts with more courage. x


Hi Russell,

We met very briefly in Mysore a couple of years ago, but you probably don't remember me. We talked about blogging, though, and whether it was a wise thing to do to "put yourself out there", and how you were concerned about writing about your local friends.

I want to say thanks for putting yourself out there, and your honesty. Saving the distances :-) , a lot of things you say resonate with me, and I am grateful that I can read about them. Keep going, Russell, you are very much loved even when you don't feel so.

yoga articles

What an article. You are very honest of yourself.... Keep on going.....

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